Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Vegetable Garden

This is what I know about my vegetable garden.

My vegetable garden is 10 x 30 patch of backyard.

I planted 15 tomato plants, 8 pepper plants, 2 eggplant plants.

I might have planted zucchini and cucumber seeds.

Bugs usually eat the eggplants and cucumbers.

I mulch by lining the patch with newspaper and then covering it with straw.

In years past, I planted flowers in the vegetable patch.

It's been quite lovely.

This (and much more) is what I don't know about my vegetable garden.

Are these plants weeds?

Who knew bugs like cucumbers and eggplants?

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

This is my system for weeding: I wait until the plant flowers and then I decide if I like the way it looks or not. If I dont like it - I pull it! If it seems to attract interesting little critters or birds then I let it grow. If it grows to fast and ruthlessly chokes out other plants - then I pull it. Half my garden is purposefully planted Milkweed for the Monarchs. I believe that weeds are very subjective! (This is my first coment on a blog - I feel very accomplished!)